Friday, October 23, 2015

Fafda Jalebi - Dusshera Special Post

Hello foodies,

Fafda Jalebi is must have Dusshera dish in Gujarat.  It is very popular and delicious dish. Reason behind this tradition is in Hindu Scriptures it is a ritual that any fast must end eating food prepared from gram flour (Besan). In scriptures it is written that Lord Ram loved a sweet called shashkuli (jalebi), whereas Lord Hanuman loved another dish made from gram flour.

Fafda is made with gram flour and some spices. It is served with sweet and tangy yogurt chutney. This time I made instant Jalebi batter at home. In short Jalebi Fafda is good sweet and savory combination.

Enjoy this festive season with this mouthwatering dish.

Recipe will serve 2

Ingredients: - For Fafda Dough:-

Gram Flour – 2 cup
Carom seeds – ½ tsp
Salt – ½ tsp
Papad khar/ Sodium bicarbonate - 2 tsp
Oil – 5 tbsp + for frying
Water – ½ cup

For Fafda Chutney:-

Yogurt – ¾  cup
Gram flour – 3 tbsp
Coriander leaves – 2 rbsp
Garlic cloves – 2-3
Chopped ginger – ½ tsp
Salt – as per taste
Sugar – 2 tsp
Water – ½ cup
Cinnamon stick – 1
Oil – 1 tbsp
Mustard seeds – ½ tsp
Green chilies – 2
Asafetida – a pinch

For Jalebi Batter:-

All-purpose flour (APF)/Maida – ½ cup
Corn flour – 1 tsp
Lemon juice – ½ tsp
Yogurt – 1 tbsp
Eno fruit salt – ½ tsp
Water – ¼ cup
Ghee/ Clarified butter – for frying
Yellow food color – 1 drop

For Sugar Syrup:-

Granulated sugar – 1 cup
Water – ½ cup
Cardamom powder – ¼ tsp
Saffron threads / Kesar – 3-4
Lemon juice – 1tbsp

Directions: - For Fafda


1) In a small bowl add water, salt and Papad khar. Stir well and set aside.
2) In a mixing bowl add gram flour, carom seeds and 5 tbsp oil. Mix well with the help of fingers.
3) Now add little water at a time and knead medium hard dough.
4) Let the dough rest for about half an hour. Now again knead the dough for 10 mins.
5) After half hour divide the dough in equal small lemon size balls and make one inch cylinder shape out of it.
6) You need wooden surface for making Fafda but here I don’t have the same. So I am using my chopping board.
7) Heat oil in heavy bottom pan.
8) Grease your hand with oil. Place one cylinder shape dough on chopping board and press it upwards with the help of your palm. We need to make long strip shape out of it.
9) Now take bread knife and grease it with oil. Place the knife on top of chopping board and sharply remove the strip from chopping board. You need patience and practice for making and removing the strip from chopping board.
10) Drop the strip into hot oil and fry it for 2-3 min. Repeat the same with rest of the dough.

For Fafda Chutney:-

1) In a bowl add yogurt, salt, water and gram flour. Whisk together and make smooth batter. Make sure there is no lump in batter.
2) Grind coriander leaves, green chilies, garlic clove and ginger in smooth paste. You can add little water while making the paste.
3) Heat oil in pan and add mustard seeds, cinnamon stick and asafetida.
4) Now add the paste and sauté it for 2 mins.
5) Now add yogurt – gram flour batter and stir well in mixture.
6) Keep stirring for 5 -7 mins unless you will get grainy texture.
7) Once mixture is boiling slow the flame and add sugar.
8) Mix well and let it cook for 3-4 mins on slow flame.
9) Serve hot with fafda.

For Sugar Syrup:-

1) In deep pan add sugar and water and let it boil for 5 – 7 mins.
2) Add cardamom powder,lemon juice and saffron threads,
3) Mix well and again boil it on slow flame for 4- 5 mins.

For Jalebi:-

1) Heat ghee /clarified butter in broad pan.
2) In a mixing bowl add APF, yogurt, corn flour and lemon juice. Mix well.
3) Now add water and make smooth batter. Add more water if needed.
4) Add yellow food color and mix well with batter.
5) Add eno fruit salt and mix well with batter.
6) Now pour the batter in jalebi maker.( I bought this from Indian Grocery store)
7) Now with the help of jalebi maker, make swirl shape in hot ghee and fry it until golden in color.
8) Once jalebi is fried completely dip it in sugar syrup for about 4-5 mins.
9) Repeat the same with rest of the batter.
10) Serve hot with hot fafda.

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